3 Powerful Ways to Create a Magnetic Brand with Trish Taylor

Trish Taylor

Back in 2018, on a morning I will never forget, a buzzing notification on my phone woke me up… It was a PayPal notification. Ca-ching! I had literally earned money while I was sleeping (mind-blowing for 2018 Trish).

Up until this point I had been a hustle-queen hurtling towards burnout.

Working as a celebrity stylist, freelancing, getting my MA in clinical counseling (you know, just in case this entrepreneur thing didn’t work out), and bootstrapping my online styling business.

As a child, I was taught that nothing comes easily, resting is lazy, and the only way to earn money is to work really really hard for it. I don’t remember taking any vacations as a kid. It was all work and very little play for all the money-making grown-ups in my life.

I knew there had to be a better way, and that curiosity led me to developing this juicy magnetic marketing strategy I’m sharing with you today.

(No wonder I’m so drawn to The Awakening and Ashton’s siren call of sustainability in business. Amen!)

Even though I didn’t know it yet, that fateful morning in 2018 paved the way for this 3-part magnetic marketing strategy that I now help my clients implement.

I had crickets in my DMs and my super fancy custom website wasn't getting any traffic. I was operating under the naive impression that if I built it, they would come. I don’t totally disagree with that belief from an energetic perspective. YES, they will come but you have to build something that lights you up, something you're excited to show up for, something you can’t wait to do, teach, or serve — that’s magnetic!

I had built offers, launched programs, and created content from a “what’s-working-for-everyone-else” perspective, and that got me zero recognition and had me laptop deep in comparison-itis.

It wasn’t until I shut out the “shoulds” of our noisy industry that I found my own voice. I started to question what I wanted to be known for, how I wanted to be seen, and how I wanted to serve.

So a papal notification woke me up, but it wasn’t until I saw my DMs flooded with unprovoked testimonials, 1:1 inquiries, podcast guest invites, teaching opportunities, and collaboration requests that I realized my brand had become magnetic.

Want a taste of that? Here’s your first somewhat-unsexy but totally liberating step:

1. Brand Clarity

I’ve distilled this concept into two very potent questions. Ask yourself:

What do you want to be known for?

How do you want to be seen?

It’s so simple and so profound. When we are present with our authentic desires and peel back the layers of codependency, we find our truth.

Instead of trying to be what you think people will perceive as professional or successful, please know, dear sister, that your worthiness to be, do, and have the life and business you want has nothing to do with meeting or exceeding other people's expectations of how you should show up.

This awareness is the foundation of magnetism. Once you have clarity on these two pieces you can create a SUSTAINABLE and MAGNETIC funnel that will bring your soulmate clients and biz besties into your world on repeat.

That’s how my PayPal and IG started to pop off all at once.

I had created a funnel that would set me up as a leading industry expert and allow me to serve my clients in a unique way that gave them fast results. And this opened the door to the potential of us working together again in my higher ticket offers.

I did that by leading my soulmate client through an intentional offer ladder which leads me to step two.

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2. Optimize Your Funnel and Offer Suite

Funnels can feel like an overwhelming, not-so-fun piece of the online biz puzzle, but if you can shift your perspective and think of a funnel as an intentional way to greet and guide a prospective client into your world, it takes the *ick* out, doesn’t it?

And now that you’ve gotten even more brand clarity you can turn up the attraction dial by asking yourself:

WHO your offer(s) are for…

WHEN they need them and…

WHAT transformation you can promise in each offer…

Then find the through line. Is there a consistent transformation you stand for? Does it align with your current offers?

When I started my online business I only offered one service - one-on-one virtual photoshoot styling in which I did all the shopping, lookbook styling, and photoshoot planning.

I wanted to bring more people into this offer so I pulled out my journal and got clear on the WHO, WHEN, and WHAT of the top of my funnel (the place where a client meets me for the first time).

That’s how my top-of-funnel mini-course, Batch Wardrobe, was born. I won’t get into the nitty-gritty details here but I’ve created a case study to take you deeper into this creation process.

The Batch Wardrobe taught people how to style themselves for their brand photoshoot. It was the perfect way to meet my potential 1:1 clients.

They wanted to feel confident in their brand photos but had no idea what to wear - so that’s where I came in. Whether they wanted to DIY or hire me to do it for them, I had established my credibility and earned their trust with a high-value offer right off the bat.

Over the years my offer suite has changed to include a membership, 1:1 coaching, and marketing agency services. But I still utilize the Batch Wardrobe Course as an easy love-at-first-sight welcome to my world.

Here’s a bird’s eye view of of my current funnel:

  • Batch Wardrobe Mini-Course $97
  • Scale in Style Membership (2 tier pricing/ $97-$297)
  • 1:1 Agency Services ($2500+)


Each offer provides different levels of support and has its own unique transformation and deliverables. But the through line is consistent. Each offer speaks to the same person, just at varying levels of their journey.

Because I took the time to discover WHO I wanted to serve, WHAT I wanted to be known for, and HOW I could help. I created a sustainable, magnetic business.

The beautiful thing is your magnetic brand and funnel will qualify your ideal customer. I’ve had people find me for the first time, purchase the Batch Wardrobe, and uplevel into a $15K Service after just two days.

Magnetic strategy is more than shiny tactics. It's about establishing know, like, and trust, and we do that by first learning to…

> deeply know

> unconditionally love and

> radically trust ourselves

That way we can lead from a place of confidence and embodiment without fear of judgment or comparison.

And it might be because I’m a Libra Sun and a Projector but this fully-embodied state of being is my final and favorite magnetic practice because it’s all about expression.

3. Embody Your Brand

In this last phase of our Magnetic Brand Strategy we bring your brand to life - your brand colors, visuals, website, photos, video, the type of content you post, and your style.

Because how you feel when you show up is the resonance people need to feel when they’re trying to connect with you on an intimate level.

The work we do as heart-centered entrepreneurs is often vulnerable, so how we present ourselves on social media, in our photos, on our websites, and in our offers allows people a safe space to feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

Embodiment is belonging. It’s coming back home to yourself. Celebrate your wild, wonderful, weird, one-of-a-kind self. Take up space. Wear what makes you feel amazing. Post what lights you up.

That courage and passion shines a big bright spotlight for the people who will most resonate with who you are and what you have to offer. It’s magnetic.

To recap:

1. Be honest with yourself. What magic do you want to create in the world? What legacy do you want to leave behind?

2. Build magnetic inroads that sustainably scale your business in alignment with that juicy legacy you’re building.

3. Take up more space. You are born to shine!

You already have everything you need to become oh-so-MAGNETIC. All it takes is a closer look inside and the courage to trust, love, and celebrate everything that you are, have done, and will become!

Trish Taylor

Trish Taylor, former Celeb Stylist turned Brand Stylist and Marketing Expert, helps entrepreneurs show up unapologetically, attract their soulmate clients online, and feel confident being seen as an expert in their space without fear of judgment. As a former internet wallflower, social media lurker, and comparison junkie that was too afraid to join the conversation... It wasn't until Trish stepped into her own personal brand liberation that she was able to confidently share her voice + show up consistently and step powerfully into her purpose!

As the creator of the ClairConfidence Podcast, Batch Wardrobe™ Course, and the Scale in Style community, she supports online entrepreneurs sustainably scale with aligned style from the inside out, and feel worthy of receiving magnetic visibility.

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