Content Strategy that Connects You to Your Ideal Clients with Brittany Miller

Brittany Miller

As a social media consultant and educator, you might be surprised to learn that I don't have hundreds of thousands of followers on my socials. And I'm okay with that!

Although growing my following and brand is important, building a community and network with the right people I truly feel connected with and who will buy my products/services is my focus!

But how do you do this?

Though the content you create and share online!

However, this can feel easier said than done, so I want to provide you with the exact framework and strategy I use (as do my clients) to help you create content that genuinely connects with your ideal clients.

Ready to dive in!? Light a candle, grab an espresso, and let's go!

The Secret to Social Media Success Isn't What You Think…

First, let's discuss what does not guarantee success on social media.

→ More Followers ≠ More Success.

→ A Viral Reel ≠ Paying Clients.

→ Creating More Content ≠ More Followers, or Clients.

👆If this is what you 'thought' would create success for you on social media, you can release these misconceptions right now. And hopefully, you feel much less stressed or overwhelmed in doing so. Because, in the end, focusing on these vanity or ego-boosting metrics doesn't truly matter on social media.

A quote by Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks, says, "Success is not sustainable if it is defined by how big you become." - I wholeheartedly agree! When we focus on MORE or BIGGER, we lose the essence of who we are and become blinded by the numbers.

Instead, he says, "The only number that matters is one. One cup. One customer. One partner." Essentially, coming back to building genuine, impactful relationships and experiences. And this couldn't be more true regarding social media as well.

Your Followers Are More than Just a Number

Instead, steadfast, sustainable and long-term success on social media comes down to building meaningful connections with your followers. Because behind that next 'follower' on your account is an actual human being genuinely interested in what you have to say, what you have to offer, and who you are.

So, if you are posting for the sake of posting or hopping on the latest reel trend, hoping to go viral, it's time to shift your priorities and focus. If you are feeling deflated because it feels like social media isn't working…the good news is that you can implement a more effective social media strategy!

And it all boils down to creating like, know & trust with your followers.

The Power of Like, Know & Trust

It is often said that customers buy from people or brands they like. Although we don't typically purchase from people we dislike, two additional important factors influence if someone decides to hit that follow button and eventually buy from us.

Know & Trust!

Like, Know, and Trust are the 3 key ingredients to creating a successful and sustainable online presence.

But how can we create content that helps our followers (new and current) like who we are, know who we are, and trust us? Through the content, we consistently create and share online!

Create a Holistic Presence On Social Media

A holistic social media content strategy is about creating an online presence that effectively showcases you as an expert (builds trust), helps you connect/resonate with your audience (creates like & know), and finally, informs people how they can work with you.

The end goal - build enough awareness about your brand, stay top of mind to potential clients, and encourage them to take some kind of action that is part of your overall customer journey, leading to some type of conversion down the road, off of social media (join your email list, book a clarity call, register for a Masterclass, hire you, etc.).

To create this holistic presence online, there are the 3 Content Pillars that I recommend every client uses as part of their social media strategy:

  • Pillar 1: Authority Content (Builds Trust)
  • Pillar 2: Connection Content (Creates Like & Know)
  • Pillar 3: Soulfully Sell Content (Invites People to Work With You)

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Pillar 1: Authority (or Zone of Genius) Content

This type of content helps to showcase you as an expert or thought leader in your industry, increasing your follower's confidence and, ultimately, trust in you.

When brainstorming the type of authority content to create, you want to either:

  • Educate & empower your followers (Example).
  • Provide value to your audience with a quick takeaway (Example).
  • Share a perspective-shifting thought (Example).

Ideally, a mixture of these 3 examples on your feed can help you stand out in your industry and the online space.

Tip: Questions to ask yourself when brainstorming post-topic ideas under this pillar:

  1. What do I want my business/brand to be known for?
  2. What can I teach/share?
  3. What questions can I answer, OR are there any 'How-to' I can walk my followers through?

Pillar 2: Connection Content

Connection content is where we share more of YOU online - your story, experiences, journey, and values. It's through this type of content that we truly start to connect with our ideal clients online.

The most effective connection content typically involves a little storytelling. Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to build connections with others, especially in the online space.

It's through sharing our stories we discover that, although we may be of different backgrounds, cultures, or generations, there are certain emotions that we all experience. And these shared emotions are what bring us together.

Stories are also vital in building the like and know factor with your audience. And when our audience likes us and feels like they know us, they are more likely to trust and buy from us!

Tip: Questions to ask yourself when brainstorming post-topic ideas under this pillar:

  1. What makes me relatable to my audience?
  2. What struggles are my ideal clients facing that you've overcome?
  3. What am I passionate about/a core company value?

The secret to creating connection content that truly resonates with your audience is to ensure it ties back into your business or industry. You can do this by:

  • Incorporating a fundamental core value into your story (ie. Freedom or Family / Example 1 and Example 2).
  • Sharing a story of a past version of you that shows your audience you've been in their shoes (Example).
  • Or sharing pieces of your story that they may resonate with (Example).

Pillar 3: Soulfully Sell Content

When it comes to business, we have to let people know about our products and services and how they can work with us - consistently! Depending on your business and the stage of your potential buyer (if they are a cold, warm or hot lead), it can take a person anywhere from 8 to 20+ touch points before they choose to buy from you.

This means you need to stay top of mind with your potential clients by consistently posting and letting them know:

Sharing a mixture of these 3 post examples on your feed is a great way to ensure your clients know how you can genuinely help and support them!

Tip: Questions to ask yourself when brainstorming post-topic ideas under this pillar:

  1. What am I selling or promoting?
  2. Can I show any behind-the-scenes of my product/service?
  3. How can I celebrate my clients or show social proof?

What Next?

Spend a few minutes brainstorming at least 3 - 5 ideas for each content pillar! You can also download my 2024 Content Calendar Spreadsheet to help you brainstorm, organize and map out your content ideas for the month ahead. I’ve also included a bonus video, walking you through how to brainstorm ideas under each pillar as well as explaining how to use the spreadsheet.

You are your greatest superpower!

My biggest reminder to clients is to practice being their truest, most authentic selves on social media. We've heard this multiple times, and it might sound cliche, but you are your superpower.

What helps you build that like, know and trust with your followers online is…YOU. No other person on this planet has your experiences, stories, personality, service delivery, struggles, and triumphs.

And, if you are feeling a little nervous showing up as your whole self online, scared of what people might think or say, remember this quote by Dr. Seuss: "Always do what you want, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

So with every piece of content you create, whether writing a caption, showing up on Instagram stories, filming a reel, or speaking on a podcast, make sure to infuse YOU in it.

Brittany Miller

Brittany Miller is a Social Media Marketing Consultant, Speaker, and owner of the bespoke consulting agency called Brittany Miller Biz. Although based in Canada, Brittany serves and supports clients globally. 

She has helped over 60+ entrepreneurs, personal brands, and service providers enhance their visibility, impact, and profits through social media consulting, mentorship and training.

Through her signature consulting services, courses and programs, Brittany helps her clients and their teams feel confident using different social media platforms, write captivating captions, create effective video content (reels & short form videos), and build an engaged and authentic community online.

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