Don't Believe the Lie of "Easy": AUTHENTIC EP 3

Ashton Smith
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Don’t give into the lie of “easy.” Embrace what is hard and allow it to prepare you for all the goodness to come.

There is this narrative regularly circulating in the online space that says, “Your life gets to be easy. Building your business gets to be easy. And if it doesn’t feel easy, you’re out of alignment or you’re doing it wrong.”

This narrative creates a lot of shame for the person that is facing hardship, experiencing growing pains, and feeling everything but ease.

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And beyond the shame it creates, it perpetuates a distorted view of life, business, and alignment.

In one breath, it creates shame. And in another, it also creates complacency.

We're continuing this conversation over on our latest episode of AUTHENTIC. Click here to watch the episode for a dose of real, raw conversation about life and business.

Ashton Smith

Ashton Smith is the CEO and founder of The Awakening, a platform dedicated to helping women in business build intentionally so they can leave a powerful legacy behind. She helps early-stage all the way to established entrepreneurs own their power as CEO, deeply connect with their vision, & sustainably scale their businesses.

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