Have you ever heard someone say “always be selling?”
Perhaps you decided to take that advice to heart. So, you go all in. You create your content with a heavy focus on sales - a lot of pieces honing in on your offers, your authority, and offering call-to-action’s for people to reach out, inquire, apply, etc.
Maybe you decide to launch your offerings consistently - we’re talking once a month to create buzz, excitement, and urgency.
And then, you’re popping into everyone’s email and DM’s with direct sales conversations - perhaps a little too soon.
And at the end of it all, you’re feeling exhausted from all of the content creation and launch facilitation. Out of alignment and a little bit “icky” about your sales process. And your audience is quite frankly burnt out on your offers and sales content. They may even feel like they don’t trust you because they aren’t receiving enough value from you.
^This is a vicious cycle I see way too often in the online space, and it’s one I want to help YOU avoid.^
I regularly tell my clients to “always be selling.” But it’s probably not what you think. Instead of focusing on heavy hitter sales content and conversations ALL the time, we’re diversifying their sales efforts for maximum results.
The most obvious sales route is publicly sharing, promoting, and perhaps even launching your offer. Here’s the key: we want to sprinkle these promotions into your overall marketing calendar - versus living in this zone constantly.
Why? We don’t want to exhaust your audience. Instead, we want them to leave your content thinking to themselves, “Wow. If their free content is THIS good, I can’t imagine what their paid containers must be like.”
Our motto around here: lead with immense value FIRST.
Our sweet spot for public-facing launches to our community is roughly four times per year - that’s about one launch per quarter.
For those of you that generate the majority of your business through live launching, that may sound scary. But the goal is to diversify your sales efforts so that you can live launch less, save SO much time, and preserve your relationship with your community (value first, selling second).
And that leads me to the next option:
Public promotion and live launching may seem like the most obvious form of online selling. But it isn’t a sustainable method, and we never want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
One of our FAVORITE forms of selling is actually behind the scenes. A couple of behind the scenes selling options:
Live launching is comfortable for a lot of folks because it doesn’t require DIRECT sales conversations. AKA - you’re expecting someone to see your content and instantly convert without a direct touch point with you.
Although this of course happens, not everyone buys this way (especially if you’re looking to sell something high-ticket). Some folks need a direct touch point and invitation from you to get off the fence.
Try taking more of a proactive sales approach by keeping a lead list and regularly inviting people to hear about how you can solve their problems.
Right now, you may feel like you are doing ALL the right things and yet your efforts aren't creating more money for your business. Today that changes! Our free 90-day profit planner has helped hundreds of creative entrepreneurs transform their income goals into an actualization strategy since 2019.
Let’s say you have three core offerings right now. To keep your marketing simple and streamlined, you don’t want to add anything else. But you may be able to have 1-2 offers that are on your “secret menu” and offered exclusively behind the scenes to ideal customers.
These may be set offers that are already created. But they could also be custom packages created for folks based upon request.
By offering these exclusive experiences, you’re catering to more of your community AND making them feel really special being invited into a secret container.
A lot of the online space focuses on lead acquisition and high volume. But when you only focus on generating NEW leads and sales, you neglect a core group of people:
What if in addition to acquiring new leads, you focused on integrating powerful up-selling opportunities and processes for your community. You can do this a couple of ways:
A diverse offering suite → Instead of catering to your ideal client at ONE part of their journey, what if you catered to their needs at MULTIPLE levels (going from offering one offer to three).
If you can integrate a powerful customer journey to guide folks through ALL THREE of these offers, you’ve just picked up a lot of money off the table and served your client really well.
Contract extensions → Instead of serving a client for 3 months and being done with it, what if retention became the norm? What if you could resign that client again and again by bringing consistent value to their life/business?
You would drastically reduce the amount of lead acquisition needed to grow your business.
If you’re looking to sustainably scale your business by diversifying your business model and sales efforts, our Awakening Academy may be a good fit.
Our Academy has been designed to help you expand your business model, increase your recurring revenue, and get sustainable methods in place so you can grow consistently over the long-term. Click here to learn more and submit an application today!
Ashton Smith is the CEO and founder of The Awakening, a platform dedicated to helping women in business build intentionally so they can leave a powerful legacy behind. She helps early-stage all the way to established entrepreneurs own their power as CEO, deeply connect with their vision, & sustainably scale their businesses.