My Business Investment Gone Bad

Jaymie Sutherland
CEO Embodiment
Business Growth

I have always felt that investing in yourself, whether for personal or career growth, is a wonderfully courageous statement that we get to make to the world!

Your vibrations elevate naturally when you surround yourself with other men and women claiming their heart’s desire and taking action to make those desires their reality.

What I didn’t know when I first started investing was how crucial it is to do so from a place of inner power and trust in YOURSELF.

In all my experiences, the good and the bad, the lesson I continually learned is that your intentions truly matter the most when investing and they hold more potential influence than any testimonial from a coach or a client.

I took the long road to learn that you have to be in your own power first and apply your own filter before considering any of those outside factors!

Otherwise, like me, you end up hopping from coach to coach, program to program, feeling increasingly discouraged, and unwittingly giving all your power away.

I’m Grateful For The Investments That Went Awry

For so long I felt ashamed and viewed my past investments as failures because I didn’t experience the big ROIs.

I held back from sharing because I was afraid they would be used as proof that I should go back to my day job.

Proof that I was naive for continuing to invest, and for continuing to believe in myself.

It took time to move past that shame to get to a place where I feel grateful for the investments that went awry and the debt that built up from them.

Which may seem wild!

But they were the experiences that truly drove home how important it is to know when you’re in your power, and when you’re not.

Outside Of Your Power

For most of 2021, I was investing from a place of seeking answers outside of myself first.

I was so far out of my power and yearning for the advertised milestones of “10k months” and “leave your 9-5 in 30 days” that I was eating up all of the “do this one thing” or “follow my proven strategy” messaging and I was constantly in FOMO mode, jumping from strategy to strategy.

I was continually investing from a place of full-on fear-of-missing-out with fear being the operative word!

When you’re out of your power you’ll find your motivations are linked to fear.

Fear that you’ll miss out, fear that you’re missing that one piece of knowledge, fear that you’re not enough, fear that you’re not ready, fear of being judged in failure or success…

We all experience fear and as you grow new fears will arise.

You can stay in your power by seeing the fear, acknowledging its existence, and deciding that it doesn’t get to drive your choices.

Inside Your Power, It Gets To Feel Like Magic

In waking my personal power within I became the leader I naturally looked to first.

I was no longer easily swayed by marketing or sales tactics and I was only drawn to offers I might actually need.

I could smile and celebrate client testimonials instead of morosely thinking “I wish that was me”.

I felt comfortable taking my time to review details and confident in reaching out to ask additional questions.

I made decisions from a loving, empowered place that felt calm and exciting.

I trusted myself.

And most wonderfully, the experiences I had inside my next investments were magic.

I was no longer looking to programs or coaches for anything other than extra support, additional knowledge, and shared experiences in a community because all the growth, action, expansion, and validation came from within me.

Inside your power, you are the magic, and everything else gets to be extra.

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Take Your Power Back

If you’re feeling discouraged in your progress or your journey and looking to a coach, program, or offer to be the answer you will always be operating outside of your power.

Only you can know your true self.

The first thing I did to get out of that cycle was to take back the responsibility of knowing myself deeply.

➞ I revisited past investments to understand how and why I made them and how I was feeling.

➞ I pinpointed where I gave my power away and what I was consistently falling into that kept me trapped in a cycle of disempowered program hopping.

➞ I traced those feelings back to the fear I was leading from.

Taking back your power starts with self-leadership.

Learning to come to yourself first and ask “Where am I truly at right now? What do I think I’m missing? What actions have I really taken to fill my perceived gaps?”.

From this place, you can begin to make empowered investments that help to guide you and add to what you already bring to the table.

Making Empowered Future Investments

Through my reflections, I discovered questions to ask yourself so you’re always keeping your power in your investments.

#1) What is my headspace right now? Do I feel urgency or pressure? Do I feel like I’ll be missing out or left behind if I don’t join? What is my driving motivation to invest? 

  • Tip: Mute their marketing for a couple of days to relieve any pressure and think about the offer on your own to see how you feel.

#2) What do I want to get from this offer? Does it make sense as the next step in my journey? Am I being honest with where I’m at in my journey? Can this offer give me something outside of myself?

  • Note: This is where knowing yourself, your needs, and being honest about what level you’re at right now are important.

#3) What’s included in this offer? Is it the level of support I need right now? What am I hoping to learn beyond what I already know or have? Is this offer missing anything that I really want?

  • Tip: Compare your desires to the details of the offer, ask for clarification on anything that’s unclear, and don’t talk yourself into settling for something that doesn’t check your boxes.

And lastly, to bring the clarity home get out of your mind and take it to the body with this practise:

Take a couple of deep breaths and close your eyes, allow your body to sink and relax, setting the intention to observe without judgment, drop into your body, and bring the offer to your mind, observe any pings or sensations you feel, and ask “does this sensation feel good or bad?”.

Don't Settle For Anything Less Than Magic

In these practises I hope you discover the power in surrendering to the knowing that you don’t have to settle for anything less than what you desire in this life, and all the magic that comes with it.

Through self-leadership and awakening your inner power, you make decisions that fan a fire already within you, instead of looking for someone to light it.

And when done from a place of love over fear, investing is an incredible way to cultivate those desires, and add to your magic!

Jaymie Sutherland

Jaymie Sutherland is the founder of About The Dash where she is a Spiritual Guide, Energy Healer, and Self-Love Embodiment Coach. She helps women who feel disconnected and disengaged from life journey back home to themselves and gain the confidence to claim their heart’s desires and take unapologetic and empowered action to pull them into their reality.

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