Taking Radical Responsibility as a CEO

Ashton Smith
CEO Embodiment

In the Wild Wild West that is the online space, entrepreneurship can look like glitz, glamor, and all the freedom. But let’s be real, we all know that anything worthwhile takes time, effort, hard work, dedication, and intentionality. 

So, why would growing an online business be any different? 

In many of my recent conversations with our community and clients, we’ve been discussing the weight of being a business owner. Because here’s the deal: when you start a business, it is up to YOU to lead it forward. And that can feel like an immense amount of pressure. 

I’ll admit, early on in my entrepreneurial journey, this pressure terrified me. So much so that I tried to “outsource” my role as a CEO (catch part of that story here). But what I very quickly found to be true is this: 

The sooner you make the proactive decision to take RADICAL responsibility and ownership of your role as a leader, founder, and CEO, the sooner your business will grow and THRIVE.

It is this pivotal decision that led to our growth at The Awakening. And more importantly, it has led to our clients creating phenomenal results in their business:

→ Surpassing their corporate income 

→ Retiring their spouse

→ Paying off all of their debt

→ Growing multiple 6-figure businesses

→ Buying their dream home

→ Growing a beautiful team

→ & Having a business that supports their desired lifestyle

When you OWN your role in a powerful way, results are inevitable. Growth is inevitable. Fulfillment is inevitable. 

So, how can you start?

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1| Taking Ownership - this business is your responsibility, no one else’s

I understand that this is easier said than done, but your first order of business as a CEO is to OWN your role in a powerful way. What does that mean? It means that:

Part 1 → You need to OWN your vision 

Building a business to generate revenue alone is not enough of a vision. Trust me, with the level of responsibility involved in being a business owner, you want it to be WORTHWHILE. This means that you need a powerful vision at the forefront of your company. 

WHY are you building your business? What is your 10 year vision? What is the legacy you hope to leave behind? 

Let me tell you this → being an entrepreneur will require you to grow in ways you never thought possible. One of the ways you will grow is by learning to think SO much bigger than you have before. 

Get clear on your long-term, big-picture vision and practice honing in on it and owning it every single day. 

Part 2 → You need to take the lead

One of the biggest pieces of advice I can offer to ANY entrepreneur is that you should be extremely proactive and take the lead in growing your business.

AKA - please don’t sit around and wait for people to find you and for your business to “magically” grow overnight. 

Put yourself OUT there. Lead the business forward. Be proactive. Take charge. This is YOUR vision and business after all. 

2| Intentionally owning your time

As a CEO, your time is your most precious and valuable resource. This means that even though you now have a whole new level of freedom and flexibility, you also need to make the MOST of the time you have available every single day. 

One thing I notice amongst the high-performing CEOs in our community is that they know how to leverage their time by prioritizing well. 

Remember: the goal isn’t to be “busy” each day. It is to intentionally focus your efforts where they matter MOST to create RESULTS for the company. 

You can do this through: clarifying your vision, strategically planning, and optimizing your efforts week over week → exactly what we teach in our proprietary Awakening Membership framework.

3| KNOW your numbers

Finally, part of taking responsibility as a CEO is KNOWING your business INTIMATELY. I always tell our clients, if you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business. 

On a weekly basis, make sure that you are reviewing your numbers. A few key areas to keep in mind:

-Revenue coming in

-Expenses going out

-Net income

Depending on your current efforts, you may also want to take a look at your lead pipeline, conversion rates, profit margins, and more! 

Get a full breakdown of the numbers & key areas I keep track of in our business in this Youtube Video.

If you’re ready to own your CEO role in order to accelerate your growth in your business through clarifying, simplifying, and streamlining your efforts, our Awakening Membership can help. Our framework will help you start thinking, moving, and acting like a profitable CEO. Learn how to clarify where your efforts are truly needed, craft a strategic plan to move your business forward, and create REAL results in the form of impact for your community and cash flow for the business. Click here to learn more and join today!

Ashton Smith

Ashton Smith is the CEO and founder of The Awakening, a platform dedicated to helping women in business build intentionally so they can leave a powerful legacy behind. She helps early-stage all the way to established entrepreneurs own their power as CEO, deeply connect with their vision, & sustainably scale their businesses.

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